of speciality paper
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Mbgi anti-corrosion paper

Grade MBGI 8-50 corrosion-resistant paper is designed for the packaging and protection against atmospheric corrosion of high-end processed complicated products ( figured products, etc.) containing non-ferrous metals (zirconium, molybdenum, copper, silver, tin, nickel, chromium, brass, gold and etc.) with the exception of magnesium according to the VZ-15 protection option. It is creped without a polymer coating, using a volatile inhibitor. Evaporating at ambient temperature, such vapor inhibitors reach the metal and, adsorbing on its surface, saturate the condensed phase, thus ensuring reliable protection of the product. The inhibitor vapor penetrates into cracks and gaps that are inaccessible for contact inhibitors, providing inhibition of corrosion processes under the layers of corrosion products and deposits.

Our inhibited paper serves as a packaging material for electrical devices, since it does not adversely affect the insulating properties of electrical insulating materials, prevents the transition of transient resistance of contact pairs on properties of coatings, rubber, ceramics and various adhesives. It does not affect operational characteristics of radio and electronic devices.

The main characteristics of the paper:

  • Roll width: from 1050 mm-1600 mm;
  • Roll weight: 60-200 kg;
  • Mass fraction of inhibitor 8.0%;
  • Crepe degree: not less than 5%.


  • 2 years in storage conditions 1 * 2 with the packaging option VU-1 * 3;
  • 1 year in storage conditions 2 * 4 with the packaging option VU-1;
  • 5 years in storage conditions 1,2,3,4 with the packaging option VU-5 * 5, VU-6 * 6.

* 1 — Protection by volatile corrosion inhibitors of non-ferrous metal products.

* 2 — heated storage.

* 3 — packaging and tar paper, waxed paper, two-layer packaging paper.

* 4 — unheated storages, awnings, etc.

* 5 — inhibited paper + 2 layers of film with a thickness of 150 μm with subsequent sealing.

* 6 — similar to VU-5, but requires an additional layer of plastic film with a thickness of 100 microns.

Our experts will give you a professional consultation, answer all your questions and help you make the right choice.